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Your Coach & Mentor
Florence Musengi

Accomplished Expert

A certified Executive and Professional Coach with Talent Development as the key focus - I work with individuals (usually executives, but often high-potential employees) to help them gain self-awareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as as a sounding board as part of onboarding and career progression.


To Find A Way

"Mentorship, at its core, guarantees you a shoulder to lean on. It assures you that you are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and puts a trajectory towards your dreams."

Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. Ultimately mentoring connects a person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunities.


I am passionate about development and even more passionate about mentorship. Approaching me for mentorship, I can also prepare you for your professional career and assist you with your workplace skills by:


  • Helping you in setting your career goals and taking the steps to realize them.

  • Using personal contacts to help you network with industry professionals, find development programmes, and locate possible jobs.

  • Introduce you to resources and organizations that you may not be familiar with.

  • Help you with skills for seeking a job, interviewing for a job, or keeping a job.

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Get coaching and mentorship from Florence

To work on a specific goal

"Many people struggle through life because they have no guide to follow, no one to inspire them, no role model to look up to."   
Whatever your situation is in life, you can move from where you are to where you want to be. The easiest way to do that is by employing the services of a certified Coach to guide you on your journey.

I am a certified and experienced Executive and Professional Coach, having been through the mill myself. I have overcome mind-numbing obstacles to reach my personal greatness and would like to do the same for you. Whether you need help in your job, setting-up a business or just navigating through the choppy waters of life, Florence can help guide you on your journey. Coaching can be done in group settings and one-to-one, depending on your preference.

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